LED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridges, guaranteeing even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge bulbs and last for the entire life of the appliance.
The egg rack keeps your eggs safe inside your fridge.
Organized freezer drawers
Fill your favorite glass or bottle hands-free using Bosch’s advanced BottleFill technology.
LED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridges, guaranteeing even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge bulbs and last for the entire life of the appliance.
The egg rack keeps your eggs safe inside your fridge.
Organized freezer drawers
Fill your favorite glass or bottle hands-free using Bosch’s advanced BottleFill technology.
LED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridges, guaranteeing even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge bulbs and last for the entire life of the appliance.
The egg rack keeps your eggs safe inside your fridge.
Organized freezer drawers
Fill your favorite glass or bottle hands-free using Bosch’s advanced BottleFill technology.
LED lights bring a completely new lighting concept to fridges, guaranteeing even, glare-free interior illumination. LED lights use less electricity than conventional fridge bulbs and last for the entire life of the appliance.
The egg rack keeps your eggs safe inside your fridge.
Organized freezer drawers
Fill your favorite glass or bottle hands-free using Bosch’s advanced BottleFill technology.